Sunday, 25 August 2013

First Sortie

The Chittering (mini)Horde of Clan Skitr approached a small expeditionary force of High Elves from Ulthuan in the dead of night, using the darkest hours before dawn to creep and skitter into the elvish camp and slit some disgustingly pale elven throats.
The smart-git elf-water-guard spotted snit-craw as he crept behind it and let out a loud shout even as snit-craw slipped his sharp between the guard's platemail and into the elf-squish! Snit-craw will be cast into the clanslave pits upon our inevitably victorious return...

 - Warlord Skitr-Kwai-Le

Pity that this beautiful, almost ethereal, moonlit landscape houses the lowest form of life. The rats have scarred the land and it is our job, our responsibility and our honor to reclaim it. Light-of-foot, we will speed towards the rabble gathering of the unwashed and we will fertilise the scorched, ravaged land with the blood of those that have plundered it to near barrenness. The greater race will always be victorious.

- Prince Altheran Stormrider

Battle Report

Clan Skitr
1x Skaven Warlord
1x Warlock Engineer
1x Poisoned Wind Globe Weapons Team
1x Warpfire Thrower Weapons Team
2x Clanrat (20) units w/ clawleader, musician, standard bearer
2x Rat Ogres w/ Master Moulder Griel

2nd Ulthuan Expeditionary Force to the Dragonback Mountains
1x Prince Altheran Stormrider (riding Stormclaw Griffin)
1x High Elf Mage
1x Sword Masters (10) w/ champion, musician, standard bearer
1x Lothern Sea-Guard (15) w/ champion, musician, standard bearer
1x Ellyrian Reavers (5) w/ champion

Clan Skitr retreat a short distance from Prince Altheran's army to prepare for what has become a *spits* fair. fight.

Two Clanrat units with one weapons team attached to each (warpfire thrower with the East Clanrats).
with the Rat Ogre unit to the West flank. Skitr Warlord in the Western Clanrats unit. Warlock Engineer leading the Eastern Clanrats unit from the rear (as befits a true Skaven warrior).

Prince Altheran on Stormclaw facing the foul Clan Skitr on the Eastern flank.
Lothern Sea-Guard on the centre-East.
Sword Masters with Mage on the centre-West.
Ellyrian Reavers on the Western Flank.

Turn 1
High Elves had the initiative, sweeping towards the Skaven army as their lines were firming up and ranks organising in that particularly rattish manner (back-biting and clawing to reach the back of any unit, except the rabid and frenzies Rat Ogres).
The Ellyrian Reavers trotted 6" into the middle of the battlefield, heading towards the Rat Ogres on the same flank.
The Sword Masters strode 5" towards the centre.
Prince Altheran awaited the beginning of the fray.
The Mage attempted to cast a flaming skull at the enemy, only for the winds of magic to drop at the critical moment and the mages concentration to slip for the turn.
The Reavers and Lothern Sea-Guard fire a hail of arrows at the Rat Ogres and Warpfire Throwers (respectively), bringing down an chittering Rat Ogre and the heavily armoured Weapons Team.

Turn 2
Clan Skitr's rabid Rat Ogre charges headlong at the Ellyrian Reavers; vengeance for it's fallen comrade or desperation for the relief of death driving it forward?
The charge leads to the death of one reaver from Master Griel's deadly prongs and two wounds to the Rat Ogre from Ellyrian spears. Then as the slower Rat Ogres and Elvish Steeds swing into the fray, the Rat Ogre brings down two Riders and their mounts, whilst receiving a fatal equine kick to the head.
The remaining Reavers free toward the edge of the board, stopping 2" short and Master Griel heroically restrained himself from charging after them in his furious state (thinking of the months it took to train those Rat Ogres!).
The Poisoned Wind Team fired a fragile crystal orb of foul warp-fumes at the enemy... and missed, gassing some voles and a rabbit instead. (post-victory snacks perhaps? -no wait, thats elflesh!)
Warlock Engineer Clikit missed a pistol-shot into the air and his warp lightening spell struck the Sea-Guard but failed to kill a soul.

Turn 3
Altheran charged into the throng of Eastern Clanrats ready to tear with claw, sword and beak.
The Sword Masters advanced further towards the cowardly Clanrats.
Mage Caladris attempted to cast a flaming skull at the rodentine foe only for the rats to consume all their dispel dice ruining the spell, only for Caladris to cast a second flaming skull successfully with only 2 power dice! This time the flaming skull flew through the Western Clanrats dealing S4 hits to four rodents, killing two of the vermin. Having a gigantic flaming skull fly through your unit setting fire to fur and clothing can be somewhat disconcerting and despite using Skitr-Kwai-Le's Leadership (7) failed the test and PANICKED!!! Swiftly running themselves off the edge of the board and carrying their Warlord with them...

An honour-less end to the first scuffle between Clan Skitr and Prince Altheran, and more importantly no shine-stones and no elflesh! But Warlord Skitr-Kwai-Le's preparing...
 - Skitr-Kwai-Le

Victory was always ours for the taking.
 - Prince Altheran

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