Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Rat Ogres

Well its time I put Clan Moulder's contribution to better use than in their first encounter with the High Elves! (See post below)
So to mark this new focus and the completion of  the unit of Clanrats with hand weapons I am starting to paint the Rat Ogre pair and their Master Moulder Greil.
Note to self; stop gluing models together before painting. Master Moulder is going to be a pain in the tail to paint with his prod in front of his body...
Well I started by using my new can of chaos black primer over our 2nd story balcony (praying to the horned one that I didn't drop a Rat Ogre!) Which worked nicely.


I followed that by basepainting the structural metals and blades with Leadbelcher and the more mechanical metal pieces with Balthasar Gold. (I figure the plates and blades will be made of steel whereas the canisters etc. would be constructed of the more malleable copper).
Fur: Abaddon Black
Skin: Ratskin Flesh
Cables: Caliban Green
Leather: Rhinox Hide
Teeth/Bandages: Ushabti Bone
Warpstone: 50/50 Abaddon Black/Caliban Green


Flesh: Agrax Earthshade
Leather: Agrax Earthshade
Bandages: Seraphim Sepia
Warpstone/Cables: Biel Tan Green
Steel/Copper: Nuln Oil
Scars: 25/75 Xereus Purple/Lahmian Medium
Cracks near warpstone: Biel-Tan Green


Fur: drybrushed Stormvermin Fur then Dawnstone
Leather: Doombull Brown then highlight with Tuskgor Fur
Steel: drybrushed with Ironbreaker
Copper: drybrushed with Gehenna's Gold
Bandages: highlighted with 50/50 Ushabti Bone/Scar White
Eyes: Mephiston red base then Evil Sunz Scarlet
Flesh: Cadian Fleshtone
Warpstone: see my post on painting clanrats, I followed the same process as for the warpstone bell-clapper on the musician.
Cables: same colours as the warpstone, but not drybrushed. (Caliban Green / Biel Tan Green / Warpstone Glow / Moot Green / 50/50 Moot Green/Scar White
Blade: washed with Biel Tan Green, I thought it should have a warpstone-induced glow or sheen as it seems to be powered by warp energies...
Claws: highlighted with 50/50 Ushabti Bone/Scar White

To Do
  1. Add rust to the steel and verdigris to the copper.
  2. Highlight the stitches with Ironbreaker (Mental Image: Master Moulder with a staple gun - FUN!)
  3. Tiny dot of Scar white in the eyes.
  4. Paint buckles with Ironbreaker.
  5. Bases!

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