Wednesday, 11 September 2013


So, after finishing my clanrats I'm working on the rat Ogres and Master Moulder.  Before attempting the gigantic chunk of warpstone sticking from the shoulder of one of the Rat Ogres I decided to paint the smaller pieces of warpstone on the Master Moulder's prodstick.

Step 1:
Prime the whole model in chaos black.

Step 2:
Basecoat the warpstone in Abaddon Black followed by 33/66 Caliban Green/Abaddon Black. (Not entirely sure the first coat of AB was necessary)

Step 3:
Drybrush with Kabalite Green. A bit heavily. 

Step 4:
Drybrush with Warpstone Glow, more gently.

Step 5:
Edge highlight using a Fine Detail brush and Moot Green.


Step 6:
After surrounding metal has been layered and highlighted.
Wash closest metal to the warpstone with Biel-Tan Green.
Step 7:
Layer Kabalite Green.
Step 8:
Highlight Warpstone Glow, onto the Kabalite Green but only on the areas closer to the warpstone chunk.
Step 9:
Final highlight Moot Green on spot closest to the warpstone.

I found that after all that the glow looked too stark against the model, so I applied an extra was of Biel-Tan in the (hopefully not so) vain attempt to blend the transitions between greens in a little.

What do you think?

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